Color Symbolism

Colors represent feelings and color symbolism is a real thing.

Colors affect moods & emotions. It has been scientifically proven that colors impact our emotional, physical & psychological well-being. 

Reversible Crimson, Circle Pattern Silk Shawl ScarfWarm colors represent feelings of warmth and aggressiveness.

Yellow is a youthful color. Yellow is joyful, happy, kind and brings hope. It represents a bright, lively & striking personality. Not only is it hard to miss, but this is the color that catches everyone’s eye. 

Red is the color of passion and confidence. It can be striking and aggressive. Red signifies courage, desire, admiration, and respect.

Pink is feminine & romantic, affectionate & intimate, thoughtful & caring. It tones down the physical passion of red and replaces it with the gentle soft loving energy. 

Cool colors are calming & relaxing.

Reversible Black, Circle Pattern Silk Shawl ScarfBlue is the color of nature-sky & sea. Blue is associated with the healing power of God.  It is the color of hope, faith, truth and heaven. Blue is the color of compassion. It is also associated with wisdom, depth of understanding, peaceful, tranquility, and serenity.  

  • Blue is the most preferred color of all.
  • Blue’s calming attributes help lower our heart rate, blood pressure & even our body temperature. 
  • Blue is also a lonely color & defines solitude, loyalty and maturity.

Turquoise is calm. 

Teal is sophisticated. 

White symbolizes clarity & freshness, peace & innocence. White is also a color of youth. It can also be a color of mourning. 

White & Gold represent richness and opulence. 

Violet signifies strength, peace, and wisdom. Violet brings inner harmony and peace. 

Purple signifies wealth, kindness, and compassion. It is also a color for good finance.

Green symbolizes freshness, hope, rebirth, renewal, immortality, and of course Springtime! After a dark cold winter comes freshness of green with the warmth of yellow sunshine ☀️ and springtime flowers. Green is a restful, quiet & comforting color. It is a color of kindness & invites harmony & diffuses anxiety. Green symbolizes peace and new beginnings.